Title I. Of the Virtual Ninth Squad.

Title II. From the Pilot.

Title III. Of the Applicant.

Title IV. Of the Aeronaval Pilot Course.

Title V. Decision-making regime and management bodies.

Title VI. Disciplinary regime.





Article 1. Purpose of these Regulations

The purpose of this regulation is to regulate the relationships of the people who belong to the Virtual Novena.

Article 2. Subjective and territorial scope of application

These regulations will apply to all people linked to the Virtual Ninth, either as active pilots or aspiring riders.

The main territorial scope will be the territory of the Spanish State, but extending there where the Virtual Novena develops its activities.

Regarding the temporal scope, these Internal Regulations are established with a vocation of perpetuity, without prejudice to the subsequent reforms and repeal that the decision-making bodies may agree on.

Article 3. Purposes and activities

With a general nature, the main purpose of the Virtual Ninth is to promote the process of access to the career of Naval Air Pilot of the Spanish Navy, through the flight simulation of the McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II + fighter-bomber plane mainly, as well as other aircraft of the present, past or future FLOAN.

For the fulfillment of these purposes, virtual flight simulation platforms such as Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, DCS or others that may arise will be used.

For all the purposes of these Regulations, the communication channels established by the Virtual Novena for any circumstance is email is




Article 4. Drivers

The Virtual Ninth is made up of pilots. Thus, all those people with the capacity to act who have an interest in the development of the purposes of the same, who have requested their integration freely and voluntarily, who have been admitted as such, may belong to it as pilots. , with a minimum seniority of six months, and who have passed the aeronautical pilot course developed in Title IV. Additionally, exchange pilots from other foreign units may be accepted, in mimicry with the pilot exchange program carried out in the Royal 9th ​​Squadron.

Where appropriate, non-emancipated minors over fourteen years of age may also join as pilots with the documented consent of the persons who must supply their capacity. Said documentary consent, which must in any case incorporate the right to the minor's public image, will be guarded by the Command Body.

The supporting document supplying the minor's capacity must be attached to the application for registration in the Virtual Ninth. Otherwise, the request will not be processed.

Article 5. Classes of Pilots.

Within the Virtual Ninth there will be the following classes of pilots:

- Number: Those pilots who freely join the Squad after its foundation will belong to this category, abiding by its statutory provisions.

- Of Honor: To this category of pilots belong those who, for having contributed in a relevant way to the dignity and development of the Virtual Ninth, due to their outstanding merits, become deserving of this distinction. The appointment of the pilots of honor corresponds to the plenary session of the Virtual Novena at the proposal of their management.

- Of Merit: Within this category of pilots are those natural or legal persons who collaborate or cooperate in a significant way in the development of the proposed purposes and activities, contributing to the Virtual Novena their own activity, management or personal or corporate interests.

- Founders: Exceptionally, this category is created for those pilots who participated in the act of constitution of the Virtual Novena.

Article 6. Loss of Pilot status

Pilot status will be lost due to one or more of the following causes:

a) By voluntary resignation, communicated expressly and in writing to the Management.

b) For breach of their obligations and / or statutory duties, and / or the disciplinary regime of Title VIII.

c) By declaration of legally determined incapacity.

Article 7. Rights of the Pilots.

The pilots of the Virtual Ninth will have the right to:

1. Participate in all those activities organized by the Squad for the fulfillment of its purposes.

2. Likewise, they may propose or suggest new actions to the Directorate to improve the fulfillment of the objectives of the Squad.

3. They may attend the meetings of the Plenary with the right to speak and vote. The pilots may be represented and exercise their right to vote in the same

by means of any other pilot of the Squadron who has not lost said condition, nor his own right to vote.

4. Receive continuous information on the resolutions adopted by the Management bodies.

5. To be heard prior to the adoption of disciplinary measures against themselves, and to be informed of the facts that give rise to such measures, having to be motivated the agreement that, where appropriate, imposes a sanction.

6. Be a voter and eligible for the exercise of managerial positions.

7. Be informed about the composition of the governing bodies and representation of the Squad.

8. Enjoy all the advantages and benefits that the Virtual Novena can obtain.

Article 8. Obligations of the pilots.

The pilots of the Virtual Ninth will have the following obligations:

1. They must comply with these Internal Regulations, all other internal regulations that may exist, and the valid agreements of the Plenary and Management.

2. Share and / or collaborate with the achievement of the purposes of the Virtual Novena, maintaining its good name and ensuring its interests.

3. Attend the Virtual Plenary sessions that are organized.

4. Make at least one virtual flight per month.

5. To inform the management when it may mean contravention of the provisions of the internal regulations and the agreements of the governing bodies of the Squadron.

6. Carry out, where appropriate, the obligations inherent to the position they occupy in the governing bodies.

7. Provide the necessary collaboration for the proper functioning of the Squad.

8. Foster a good atmosphere in flight operations and established communication forums.

9. Comply with the rest of the obligations that result in the regulations.

10. In the case of belonging to several virtual military units, when events occur on the same day, the pilot who participates in them in some way must do so under the condition of pilot of the Virtual Ninth.

Within the duties emanating from this article and the rights contemplated in the previous article, the application of any of them may be exempted, at the decision of the Plenary, for pilots who are framed in the category of honor pilots.

In addition, where appropriate, when minors are pilots part of this Squadron, by virtue of the provisions of LO 1/1996, Legal Protection of Minors, they will comply with their rights and duties according to their age and maturity, having to assume and fulfill the duties, obligations and responsibilities inherent to its membership.




Article 9. Applicants

The Virtual Ninth is made up of pilots, but prior to the acquisition of that category, and during the training phase developed in Title IV, the people who, in accordance with the provisions of article 4, request registration in this Squadron, will start in the category of Applicant, in accordance with the provisions of this Title and for a period of no less than six months.

Article 10. Classes of Applicants.

In the Virtual Naval Air School there will be the following categories of applicants:

- Second aspiring candidate: People who request registration in the Squadron will have this consideration while the first flight of the Title IV training itinerary is not made, and in any case, during the first fifteen days immediately after their effective registration.

- First Applicant: Second Applicants will acquire this condition once the first virtual flight of the training itinerary has been completed, and after, in any case, fifteen days from the effective date of registration in the Squadron.

Article 11. Loss of Applicant status

Applicant status will be lost for one or more of the following causes:

a) By voluntary resignation, communicated expressly and in writing to the Management.

b) For breach of their obligations and / or statutory duties, and / or the disciplinary regime of Title VIII.

c) By declaration of legally determined incapacity.

d) Second Applicants who do not acquire the status of First Applicant within a maximum period of fifteen days from their registration, will cause immediate withdrawal.

e) First-rate applicants who fail to acquire pilot status within a year will cause immediate withdrawal.

f) By decision of the command body.

Article 12. Applicants' Rights.

Aspirants of the Virtual Ninth will have the right to:

1. Participate in all those activities organized by the Squad for the fulfillment of its purposes.

2. Likewise, they may propose or suggest new actions to the Directorate to improve the fulfillment of the objectives of the Squad.

3. They may attend the meetings of the Plenary with the right to speak.

4. Receive continuous information on the resolutions adopted by the Management bodies.

5. To be heard prior to the adoption of disciplinary measures as Among themselves, and to be informed of the facts that give rise to such measures, the agreement that, where appropriate, imposes a sanction must be motivated.

6. Be informed about the composition of the governing bodies and representation of the Squad.

7. Enjoy all the advantages and benefits that the Virtual Novena may obtain, except those that involve close contact with official institutions.

Article 13. Obligations of Applicants.

Aspirants of the Virtual Novena will have the following obligations:

1. They must comply with these Internal Regulations, all other internal regulations that may exist, and the valid agreements of the Plenary and Management.

2. Share and / or collaborate with the achievement of the purposes of the Virtual Novena, maintaining its good name and ensuring its interests.

3. Attend the Virtual Plenary sessions that are organized.

4. Make at least one virtual flight per month.

5. To inform the management when it may mean contravention of the provisions of the internal regulations and the agreements of the governing bodies of the Squadron.

6. Provide the necessary collaboration for the proper functioning of the Squad.

7. Show interest and participation in established communication groups, as well as respect for the decisions and opinions of colleagues.

8. Do not skip any of the training phases, always abiding by the decision of the assigned instructors.

9. Maintain absolute confidentiality of the documents and other internal data of the Virtual Novena.

10. Foster a good atmosphere in flight operations and established communication forums.

11. Comply with the rest of the obligations that result in the regulations.

In addition, where appropriate, when minors are pilots part of this Squadron, by virtue of the provisions of LO 1/1996, Legal Protection of Minors, they will comply with their rights and duties according to their age and maturity, having to assume and fulfill the duties, obligations and responsibilities inherent to its membership.—————————————————————————-



Article 14. Course description

The actual Navy Pilot & Flight Officer (NFO) course lasts about two years and takes place between the naval bases of Pensacola and Whiting Field (Florida) and Meridian (Misssissippi). The objective of this Squadron is to emulate this process, which is why this training itinerary will be emulated through the P3D or FSX virtual veil platforms.

Article 15. Initial phase

The second-year applicant will be initially assigned to the virtual VT-3 Red Knights, and will carry out his flights in the Beechcraft T-6B Texan II single-engine turboprop plane, having to make his first flight within fifteen calendar days immediately after he was registered.

The applicant who is in this phase will carry out his flights at NAS Whiting Field North (KNSE), Florida, carrying them out in the areas indicated in the training plan.

In this phase, familiarization with virtual flight and multiplayer connection platforms will be carried out, such as IVAO, JoinFS or others to come, and the training itinerary provided for in the instruction plans that will be delivered to the Applicant upon incorporation at their destination must be followed. .

Article 16. Intermediate phase

Once sufficient skill has been proven in the T6B, with full command of VFR take-offs and take-offs, school maneuvers (turns, ascents, descents, eights, slow flight, recovery of abnormal positions and simulated engine stop), and always having elapsed a At least one month from their first flight and with at least ten hours of flight, the Applicant will be assigned to the VT-9 squadron at NAS Meridian at the discretion of the Chief Instructor.

In this phase the student will fly the T45C reactor assigned to the virtual VT-9 Tigers, where they will carry out their advanced training.

It will be part of the content of this phase:

1. Familiarization with and knowledge of the aircraft (checklist, systems, normal procedures and emergency procedures)

2. Flight, navigation and visual approach.

3. IFR flight and instrument approaches.

4. Overhead breaks, Carrier breaks and formation flight.

5. Familiarization with weapons systems and practices in authorized firing ranges.

Once this knowledge has been assimilated, a validation test will be carried out by the assigned instructor. In any case, this phase may not last less than one month and at least ten hours of flight time.

Article 17. Advanced phase

The applicant who has passed the previous phase will be transferred to NAS Pensacola, where he will carry out his final training phase and preparation for obtaining the pilot wings of the US Navy.

The following content will be part of the program for this phase:

1. Instrumental navigation over the ocean.

2. Landings, takeoffs and operations on USS Nimitz-type aircraft carriers, including operations in IFR conditions.

Once sufficient knowledge has been acquired, and always at the instructor's discretion, the Applicant will be presented for an exam, where the set of knowledge acquired throughout the course will be evaluated, and in which they must perform at least five successful take-offs and take-offs on the aircraft carrier without assistance systems and with the simulation software in maximum difficulty and realism.

Applicants who pass this exam will be awarded virtual US Navy wings.

Article 18. Adaptation phase to the AV8B Harrier II + aircraft

The applicant who has passed the phases indicated above will be transferred to MCAS Cherry Point (KNKT), where she will take the adaptation course to the AV8B Harrier II + fighter-bomber framed in the VMAT-203.

The applicant must complete the complete training program corresponding to this level, comprising, in any case, the following phases:

1. Adaptation to the aircraft and knowledge of its systems

2. Normal and emergency procedures

3. Aircraft performance

4. VFR and IFR flight

5. Takeoffs and landings in the multiple configurations allowed by the aircraft (CTOL, STOL, VTOL).

6. Familiarization with weapons systems and practices in authorized firing ranges.

Once the knowledge has been assimilated, after a month and 10 flight hours have elapsed in any case, the applicant, at the instructor's discretion, may begin the adaptation phase to the LHA-type amphibious aircraft carrier procedures.

Once the operations with the aircraft have been mastered, and after two months and at least 20 flight hours have elapsed in the AV8B Harrier II +, the Applicant may be presented for examination at the discretion of the instructor, the test consisting of a written evaluation and practice of the knowledge acquired in the VMAT-203.

Article 19. Integration in the Rota Naval Base

The Applicant who has passed the previous training phases and has been satisfactorily evaluated, will begin the final training phase in Rota, where the assigned instructor will guide him in the training of the procedures of the Spanish Navy and knowledge of the peninsular airspace.

Without a minimum time criterion for this phase, when the instructor so deems it, a small evaluation will be carried out, where the Applicant will obtain the authorization to operate on the Juan Carlos I aircraft carrier, thus obtaining the category of Pilot of the Virtual Air Naval School.

Article 20. COMBAT READY authorization

The Pilot who wishes to operate in the flights of the Virtual Naval Air School on the DCS platform must complete the following training itinerary, in order to obtain the COMBAT READY certification:

1. Adaptation to DCS: Phase that will be carried out in the T45C aircraft, where the certification of Operations in aircraft carriers must be revalidated, and where the Pilot will start using weapons. In this phase, competences such as VFR navigation, IFR, normal and emergency procedures, and flight in formation will be revalidated by means of a new examination, any other knowledge that the Pilot should have in this phase may also be evaluated.

As long as the T45C that VNAO is developing has not been published, this phase will be replaced on the DCS platform by a setting phase without evaluation, which will be at least four flights of at least one hour each, and where the student must demonstrate your ability to perform airfield circuits and overhead breaks with full command of the aircraft.

2. Adaptation to the AV8B N / A: Once again framed in the VMAT203, the Pilot will carry out a new training course on this aircraft developed by RAZBAM, where he must learn all the systems and weapons available at the time of the course. At the instructor's discretion, the Pilot will be presented for examination, where he will be evaluated in a theoretical and practical way on the knowledge acquired. Passing the exam will allow full capacity to operate this aircraft in DCS, always complying with the applicable regulations.





Article 21. Nature.

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Virtual Ninth, and will be made up of all the Pilots with full rights that compose it.

Article 22. Meetings.

The meetings of the General Assembly will be of two types, ordinary and extraordinary.

The ordinary will be held once a year within the four months following the end of the previous year. Its objective will be the discussion and approval of the management of the Command Body, of the Report and the approval of the Plan for the current year.

Extraordinary Assemblies will be held in accordance with the assumptions provided by law, when circumstances so advise, in the opinion of the Squadron Chief, or prior convocation.

by the Command Body, or when requested in writing addressed to the Squadron Chief, a number of pilots not less than ten percent, expressing in the request the issues that motivate the urgency, and will be held within the following thirty days.

Article 23. Calls.

The calls for the General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, will be made by email to the address provided by the pilots, stating the place, day and time of the meeting, as well as the agenda.

There must be at least fifteen days between the call and the day set for holding the Assembly on first call, and the date on which the Assembly will meet on second call may also be recorded if appropriate, without the possibility of mediating between one and the other. a period of less than thirty minutes.

Article 24. Adoption of resolutions.

The General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, will be validly constituted in the first call when a third of the pilots with the right to vote attend it, and in the second call whatever the number of pilots with the right to vote.

Resolutions will be taken by a simple majority of the persons present or represented when the affirmative votes exceed the negative ones, null votes, blank votes, or abstentions are not computable for these purposes.

A qualified majority of the persons present or represented will be necessary, which will result when the affirmative votes exceed half of these, for the:

a) Modification of the Statutes.

d) Election of the members of the Command Body.

Article 25. Powers.

The powers of the General Assembly are:

to. Approve the management of the Command Body.

b. Elect the members of the Command Body.

c. Modify the Regulations.

d. Any other that is not competence attributed to the command body


Article 26. Composition.

The Virtual Ninth will be managed and represented by a Command Body necessarily made up of a Squad Chief, a Second Squad Chief, a Chief of Operations, a Chief of DCS Operations, a Chief of IVAO Operations and a Chief of Communications.

Only pilots may be part of the Command Body, provided they are of legal age, are in full use of civil rights and are not involved in incompatibility reasons established in current legislation.

All positions that make up the Command Body will be free. These will be appointed and revoked by the General Assembly and their mandate will last for two years.

Article 27. Meetings.

The Command Body will meet as many times as determined by its Squad Leader and at the initiative or request of a quarter of its members. It will be constituted when half plus one of its members attend and for its agreements to be valid they must be taken by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Squad Leader will be of quality.

Article 28. Powers.

The powers of the Command Body will be extended, in general, to all the acts of the purposes of the Virtual Ninth, provided that they do not require, according to these Internal Regulations, express authorization from the General Assembly.

The special powers of the Command Body are:

to. Direct the activities and carry out the administrative management of the Virtual Novena, agreeing to carry out the appropriate acts.

b. Execute the agreements of the General Assembly.

c. Resolve on the admission of new Applicants.

d. Appoint delegates for any specific activity of the Virtual Novena.

and. Any other faculty that is not the exclusive competence of the General Assembly of pilots.

Article 29. Head of Squad.

The Squad Chief will have the following attributions: legally represent the Virtual Ninth before all kinds of public or private organizations; summon, preside over and adjourn the sessions held by the General Assembly and the Command Body, as well as direct the deliberations of both; order payments and authorize with his signature the documents, minutes and correspondence; adopt any urgent measure that the smooth running of the Virtual Ninth advises or in the development of its activities is necessary or convenient, without prejudice to subsequently reporting to the Command Body.

Article 30. Second Squad Leader.

The Second Squad Leader will replace the Squad Leader in his absence, due to illness or any other cause, and will have the same powers as him. Likewise, it will be responsible for instructing and imparting justice regarding the disciplinary procedures against Pilots and Applicants, and it will also be responsible for drafting the minutes of the meetings of the Command Body.

Article 31. Heads of Operations.

The functions of the Chief of Operations will be the organization of events, maneuvers, deployments and virtual missions to be carried out. There will be two other Heads of Operations, one for the IVAO section and the other DCS, establishing the possibility of naming as many additional as future sections appear.

Article 32. Head of Communications.

The functions of the Chief of Communications will be the organization and coordination of the RRSS of the Squadron, as well as the publication and control that all this entails.

Article 33. Regime of withdrawals and substitutions.

Members may withdraw by voluntary resignation communicated in writing to the Command Body and by breach of the obligations that they were entrusted with. The vacancies that occur for these reasons will be covered provisionally by the other members until the final election by the General Assembly called for that purpose.

They may also cause withdrawal due to the expiration of the mandate. In this case, they will continue to hold their positions until the moment in which those who replace them are accepted.




Article 36. Of the sanctioning procedure.

The sanctioning procedure will be initiated ex officio or at the request of any of the pilots before the appreciation of any of the infractions indicated in this Title, and will be governed, in any case, by the principles of publicity, writing, contradiction, non-arbitrariness and presumption of innocence. Likewise, the burden of proof will correspond to whoever imputes the infringement, and in case of doubt, a decision must be made by acquitting the accused.

Once the 2nd Squad Leader has been informed of the commission of a criminalized offense, a written copy with the facts that are imputed and of their possible classification will be sent to the interested party within a maximum period of 48 hours, and the interested party must respond by means of a statement of I download within a maximum period of 72 hours. The passing of this period without presentation of the defense document implies the acceptance of the charges charged and the proposed classification.

Any defendant who is sanctioned will have the right to a reasoned resolution that justifies the infringement imposed.

Article 37. Types of offenses and sanctions

Minor infractions will carry light sanctions, serious infractions will carry serious sanctions.

Article 38. Minor offenses.

The following behaviors will be considered minor offenses:

1. Failure to announce a flight in advance and note its duration in the flight log.

2. Not promoting a good atmosphere in the communication groups of this Squad.

3. Failure to show up for a flight without prior justification or on time.

4. Maliciously disobeying the leader of a flight, generating any type of conflict with the air traffic controller or objective of a combat mission.

5. Discuss political positions or initiate conversations of this nature in the forum.

Article 39. Serious offenses.

The following behaviors will be considered serious offenses:

1. The repetition of three or more minor offenses in a period equal to or less than six months.

2. Disrespect for any pilot of this Squadron, as well as those with whom this unit establishes relationships (controllers, other squadrons, pilots of other airlines or VSOG)

3. Failure to carry out the established minimum of a monthly flight.

4. The revelation and misappropriation of the intellectual property of the Squadron or of any pilot of the same, without prejudice to civil liability for the purposes of what the legal provisions establish.

5. Fraud, abuse or disloyalty to the Virtual Novena.

6. Taking advantage of the pilot status of this Squadron to achieve personal benefits.

7. The commission of any criminal offense provided for in LO 10/1995 and LO 5/2000, their future reforms that affect them, or future legal provisions that regulate this matter, while acting as a member of the Virtual Ninth.

8. Participate in an event attended by the Virtual Ninth under any other virtual military unit.

Article 40. Light sanctions.

The commission of any of the infractions foreseen as minor offenses may entail a written warning and suspension of the membership of the Virtual Novena for a maximum period of up to six months. Said suspension time must be modulated in proportion to the seriousness and recurrence of the alleged acts.

Article 41. Serious sanctions.

The commission of any of the infractions foreseen as serious offenses will entail the expulsion of the Virtual Ninth, and its new registration will be impossible until XX years after the final date of expulsion, except for cases of withdrawal due to inactivity, in which You can process a new registration until after XX years / months.

Article 42. Mitigating factors.

Those merits, contributions and other circumstances appreciated at the discretion of the Command Body in the application of the disciplinary measures set out in this title will be taken into account as mitigating factors.




Additional Provision 1. Entry into Force.

These internal regulations will enter into force the day after they are published. A period of one calendar month is established from the entry into force, so that those Pilots who do not meet the requirements to be part of the Virtual Ninth carry out as many procedures as necessary to maintain their condition.

Likewise, a general exemption is established for the completion of the Naval Air Pilot Course that, being posted in Rota, would not have passed it by joining the squadron before it was created, or because when they did it, the required standards were different.

Additional Provision 2. Interim Provisional Command Body.

The Command Body approved by the General Assembly elected in the approval of these Internal Regulations will have a term of one year, as they are delegated the functions of regulatory development that this text entrusts to them.